
Soal Bahasa Inggris

1. Man       : Did you watchthe concert last night
Woman :Yes,Idid.I watched it with my friend.
Man       : What do you think ?
Woman : ………
     What is the most appropriate response to replynext
A. I think you can come next time
B. I don’t think there will be a concert tonight
C. I agree with your opinion about the concert
D. I suppose to watch the concert tonight
E. To be honest,it was a boring concert

2. Man    : Shall I open the can for you?
Woman :No,thanks. Ican do it myself.
  What does the man maan?
A. He gives his opinion
B. He buys
C. He will take the can
D. He offers a help
E. He suggests the woman open the can

3.  man       : Do young people listen to the radio now?
Woman : Of course if you want to get a good score. You are not satisfied with your score. Right?
       Man       : Okay.I’II meet the teacher  soon.
What is the man’s problem?
A. He can’t meet his teacher
B. He got a bad score
C. He doesn’t have a remedy
D. He is sick
E. He is not satisfied with the teacher’s explanation

 4. Man : I have been offered a scholarship to study abroad. Should I take it ?
Woman :…………..
       What is the suitable response to say next ?
A. That’s a good idea.
B. If I were you, I’d take it.
C. Yes, you’re right.
D. I’ll consider it again.
E. I wiil try it.

 5. Man : I’m sweating  .
     Woman :What have you done ?
     Man :I had pushed my father’s car.
Woman :………………………….
What is the suitable response to say next ?
A. Why don’t you find others’ help?
B. I should help you.
C. How about driving your father’s car
D. If I were you, I woul help my father.

6. Man : you look very ill.
    Woman :I’m not feeling well today.
    Man :………..
What is the appropriate response to say next ?
A. Sounds good.
B. You’d better go to the doctor.
C. I don’t have any idea.
D. You’re right.
E. You study hard.

7. Man :you should tell your family about your plans
     Woman :I’m afraid  they won’t agree it.
     Man :you don’t know if you won’t try.
     Woman :you’re right. I’ll try it.
What can we learn from the dialogue ?
A. The man wants the moman to tell her secret.
B. The man doesn’t agree with the woman’s plans.
C. The woman will tell the man about the plans.
D. The woman will tell her family about her plans.
E. The woman doesn’t agree with the man’s plans

8. Man : I’m bored at home.
     Woman :why don’t you go fishing  ? I saw your friends go fishing few minutes ago.
    Man :really? I’ll catch up them.
What does the woman suggest?
A. Hang out  with her
B. Catch fish
C. Meet her friends
D. Go fishing
E. Catch her

9. Man :I’m really tired. We still have a discussion at 2 p.m.
    Woman :Why don’t we postpone the discussion?
    Man :it’s a good idea.
    What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. They are not tired anymore
B. The discussion will be postponed
C. They will have adiscussion
D. They have another business

10.Rudi : What do you think of this new stadion?
Roni :In my opinion, it is a wide stadium andhas many facilities, but its need more restrooms.
Rudi :I agree with you .
What are they talking about ?
A. The new stadium
B. The facilities of their school
C. The restroom in the stadium
D. The new facilities in the stadium

11. Man :we have to go to the hospital first before we shop.
       Woman :That’s exactly what I  think. Lets go.
What do we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man will not go to the hospital
B. The man will stay at the hospital
C. The woman will shop first
D. The woman will not go to the hospital
E. They will goto the hospital

12.Man :What do you think of your presentation? I didn’t get the chance to ask you in class.
      Woman :To be honest, I think the audience ignored my questions.
      Man :I know how you feel.
According to the woman, how was her presentation/
A. It ran smoothly.
B. It was interesting.
C. It failed.
D. It was terrifying.
E. It worked well.

13.Danny :  Good afternoon Steve
Steve :  ……………………… Danny
a. Good morning c. Good evening
b. Good afternoon d. Good night

14. Sarah : Good morning, Nina  ……………………………….?
       Nina : Morning Sarah, I’m fine
a. What’s your name? c. How are you?
b. Are you Nina? d. Where are you from?

15. Nurul :  Hi, Shinta. How are you?
     Shinta :  Hi, Nurul ……………………., thank you.
a. I’m fine c. I’m from Makassar
b. I’m fina d. Nice to meet you

16. Evi :  It was nice to see you. Good bye.
Isti :  …………….Evi. See you tomorrow.
a. Good bye c. Thank you
b. Nice to meet you d. I’m fine

17. Akbar :  Hello, I’m Akbar.
Erdin :  Hi, I’m Erdin.
Akbar :  Nice to meet you, Erdin.
Erdin :  ………………….., Akbar.
a. Nice to meet you c. How are you
b. Nice to meet you too d. Thank you

18. Lisa :  Hi, I …… Lisa.
Ulfa :  Hi, I am Ulfa.
a. My c. am
b. Is d. are

19. Ari :  Hello, my name’s Ari
Ragil :  Hello, my name’s Ragil
Ari :  ………. to meet you, Ragil
Ragil : nice to meet you too, Ari
a. How c. You
b. Meet d. Nice

20. Teacher :  ……… is your name?
Student :  My name is febriadi
a. Your c. What
b. Name d. nice

21. Foreigner :  ….... you Cristiano Ronaldo?
Juniawan : No, I’m not. I’m JuniawanAbdi.
Foreigner : I’m sorry. I guess you Cristiano Ronaldo because you look like him.
a. Are c. am
b. Is d. your

22. Nina :  Miss Rani, I’d like you to meet my mother. Mom, this is miss Rani, my English teacher
Mrs. Dewi :  I’m Dewi. Nina’s mother.How do you do?
Miss Rani :  ……… do you do?
a. How c. meet
b. Nice d. to

23. Rudi : morning Nina
Nina : Hi, good morning Rudi
Rudi : please meet my sister, Ruli. Ruli this Nina, my classmate
Ruli : nice to meet you Nina
Nina : nice to meet you …… Ruli
a. To c. You
b. Too d. Your

24. Reza : Khalik ………….here, please
Khalik : okay, Reza
a. Go c. There
b. Come d. Please

25. Juniawan :  Hello, Messi. How are you?
Messi :  Hi, Juniawan. I’m O.K. Thank you. And you?
Juniawan :  I’m very well ………………….
A.Hello C. Good morning
B.I’m very well D. Thank you16. Juniawan :  Hello, Messi. How are you?
Messi :  Hi, Juniawan. I’m O.K. Thank you. And you?
Juniawan :  I’m very well ………………….
a. Hello c. Good morning
b. I’m very well d. Thank you

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