
Bahasa Inggris

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C,D,Or E!

Man        : This is Rindu. She is a new student  from  Makassar. Introduce    yourself, Rindu!

Woman  : Yes, Sir. Hello, Everyone. My name    is Rindu Astuti. I just moved from Makassar.  Now, I live in Mangga Street  number 30. My hobby is tennis. I  have won some tennis competitions in Makassar.


1. What do you know about the woman?

a. She is a new teacher    

b. She is a new neighbor 

c. She is a new student          

d. She is a new member of a tennis club 

         e. She is a judge for tennis competition 


Man       : Hello, we are brothers. My brother and I are students here. We are Nico and     John.

Woman : Are you twins?

Man       : Yes, we are. But we are nonidentical twins.

                    What can we learn from the dialogue above?

a. The man introduces himself and his brother

b. The man doesn’t know his twin. 

c. the man and his brother cannot be separated

d.   The man has just met his twin already

e.   the man doesn’t  Recognize his twin

This text is for question number 3.

  Woman : Dad, I got an a plus for mathematics.

   Man : really? You are so clever! 

3. What does the man mean?

a. He disbelieves with his daughter’s result   

b. He compliments his daughter    

c. He congratulates his daughter for her winning               

d. He advises his daughter to study hard

e.He wants his daughter to be clever

         This text is for questions  4 and 5.

My name is Raihan. There are seven people in my family, my mother , father, grandfather, grandmother, me, my older sister, and my younger brother. My mother is very friendly and funny. She’s  like a friend. My father is handsome, but  a little bald. He is a punctual person.

4. What does the speaker tell about?

a. His achiepement                   

b. His own characteristic   

c. His big family 

d. His interests                  

e. His relationship

5. How many brothers does the speaker have?

a. One              

b. two            

c. three        

d. four       

e. none


This Text is for questions 6 to 8.

Dear Romi,

Congratulations on your graduation! You did it well.

Wising you all the best in the wonderful career you have chosen.

I am so happy for you.



6. From the card, we know that the writer congratulates Romi for his ………..

a. Winning     

b. Graduation    

c. New job    

d. Achievement    

e. Engagement

7. Which sentence shows compliment?

a. Congratulation on your graduation!

b. You did it well

c. Wishing you all the best in the wonderful career you have chosen

d. I’m so happy for you

e. Gratefully

8. What does the writer wish for Romi?

a. Romi’s career will be successful

b. Romi  can continue his study

c. Romi won’t leve his career        

d. Romi  will get a new job again              

e. Romi can graduate as soon as possible

9.  Arrange the following words into a good sentence!

            Fortifications   of    and    numerous    consist     walls   actually    The Great  Wall of China

                     1                 2      3              4                    5            6           7                           8

             The best arrangement is ……..

a. 8-1-2-6-7-4-5-3    

b. 8-5-3-6-7-4-2-1   

c. 8-7-2-1-4-5-6-3   

d. 8-7-4-5-2-6-3-1   

e. 8-7-5-2-4-6-3-1

10. This teks is for question

Man : Excuse me, may I sit down here?

Woman : Sure

Man : Hi, my name is Rudi. What’s yours?

Woman: ……………

10. What is the most suitable response to say next?

a. I’m  fifteen years old  

b. My name is Siska        

c. Ilive in Citra Graha Complex dmy hobby is reading                       

d. My hobby is reading              

e. Nice to meet you   

              This incomplete text is for number 11 to 14.

    The Statue of liberty 11)…………………………. In new york Harbor. The “Lady” weighs 225 tons. The torch       12) ………………….305 feet above the base of the pedestal. Her hand is 16 feet long and her arm is 42 feet long. One finger aloneis eight feet long. Her skin 13)……………of more  than 300 copper sheets. Stong lasmps light her torch. Through the years, this torch has burned brightly. It is a welcome 14)……………… of  liberty and freedom is America.

11. a. located                b. Situated             

c. Stands               d. Lies          e. Expands

12. a. is                           b. are                      

c. was                    d. were        e. be

13. a. make                    b. made                  

c. is making          d. is made   e. was made

14. a .Poster                  b. Symbol              

 c. Slogan               d. Clue          e. Sign

This text is for questions  15 and 16.

 I’m going to explain why  I chose thisschool. I’d like to get a better education. That’s why I moved from my village, and live far from my parents. They agreed my decision. They told  me that they would like to see me a better person. I would like to join some courses related to my talents. I’m going to register some clubs, such music and drama. I would like to attend an acting academy in this country. Someday, I would like to be an actress.

15. What is the text about?

 a. The reasons why the writer chose his school.                                                                                                                                                         b. The decision the writer made         

 c. The writer’s future goals in music and sport  

 d. The reasons why the writer  wantas to be an actress.

 e. The plans when the writer graduated from senior  high scool.

16. Why did the writer move from her village? Because ……………….

  a. She wants to be an  actress                     

  b. She wants to live far from her parents

  c. She couldn’t go to art school  

  d. She wants to get a better education 

  e. She would like to find her talent

 17.This text is for question 17

Man : Excuse me, may I sit down here?

Woman : Sure

Man : Hi, my name is Rudi. What’s yours?

Woman: ……………

17. What is the most suitable response to say next?

   a. I’m  fifteen years old 

   b. My name is Siska                                           

   c. Ilive in Citra Graha Complex dmy hobby is reading

   d. My hobby is reading

   e. Nice to meet you 

18 to 19


To: AllStudents and Parents

To commemorate our school anniversary, we will hold Dunken School Bazaar and Live Auction.

Date : Saturday, January 27, 2018

Time : 08.00 A.M.-02.00 P.M.

Venue: Dunken School Hall 25 Country Road, California

There will be flowers, produce, and handicrafts.

Live auction will be held at 12. 00 P.M.

It is free.

18. We know from the text that Dunken school will hold ……..

a. Birthday party    

b.  live concert        

c. bazaar and concert     

d. charity and bazaar

e. bazaar and live auction

19. To whom is the announcement?

a. Only the students            

b.  Students and teachers  

c. Publics

d. The villagers around the school   

e. Students and their parents.

 20 to 21


To: AllStudents and Parents

To commemorate our school anniversary, we will hold Dunken School Bazaar and Live Auction.

Date : Saturday, January 27, 2018

Time : 08.00 A.M.-02.00 P.M.

Venue: Dunken School Hall 25 Country Road, California

There will be flowers, produce, and handicrafts.

Live auction will be held at 12. 00 P.M.

It is free.

20.  We know from the text that Dunken school will hold ……..

a. Birthday party     

b.  live concert 

c. bazaar and concert     

d. charity and bazaar

 e. bazaar and live auction

21. To whom is the announcement?

a. Only the students                         

b.  Students and teachers    

c. Publics

d. The villagers around the school   

e. Students and their parents.

22. What is the meaning of “auction”?

a. Fair         

b. Compertitive sale        

c. Exhibition     

d. Charitable affair       

e. Exclusive shop




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