
Soal Bahasa Inggris

Choose the correct answer a,b,c, or d for each number .
1.      Dewi         : Hi, Lina, Long time no see. How are you ?
Lina       : …………………………
a.      I gotta go now, sorry
b.      I’m in a hurry. See you later
c.      I’m fine, thank you. How about you ?
d.      It ’s so nice to meet  you 

2.      Dila           : Tessa, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Ari.
Tessa        : ……………………
a.      I’m Tessa. How do yodo ?
b.      Hi, see you later
c.      Good, how are you ?
d.      Hi, see you tomorrow.

3.      Anna         : Hi, I found this on my table, Is this yours ?
Danny      : Yes, ……………………
a.      It’s mine, thanks a lot. I’ve been looking for it
b.      It’s my own. Thank you
c.      I don’t know where I put it before
d.      Thank  you, I hope you don’t mind

4.      Mrs. Thomas       : I’ve just witnessed an accident it was a hit and run
Police officer      : Can you describe the car ?
Mrs. Thomas       : Well …………. I think
a.      It’s green with buttonson the front
b.      It’s a two storey one with air – conditioning
c.      It’s a small blue Japanese car with two doors
d.      It’s one expensive one with a  wheel  at the back

5.      Girl           : Are you sixteen yet ?
Boy           : Not yet,  but my birthday is in march.
Girl           : When in march?
Boy           : it’s march 20
What do you learn from the dialog ?

a.      The girl is sixteen years old.
b.      The boy is twenty years old.
c.      The boy was born in march.
d.      The girl’s birthday is march 20

6.      Lia            : which one is your book ?
Mary         : ………..
a.      The blue and round one
b.      A big red  prettyone
c.      The old big one
d.      The little blackstripedone

7.      Ami           : how many red shirtsdo you have ?
Dede         : …………….
a.      I has many shirts
b.      I have lots  of red ones but no blue ones
c.      I have a dozen red shirts
d.      I don’t have  nothing

8.      Gilbert      : ……………
Bimo         : Maybe  aroudd 50 kg.
a.       How much  does he  weigh?
b.      How tall is he?
c.      How does he weigh.?
d.      How much is his weigh?

9.      Women    : somebody  justtookmy purse!
                  My money , my credit cards every thing’s gone!
Officer  : all right, just calm down a minutes, ok. Now,
        What did the person look like?
Woman : ……………………….
a.      The man is mad                                c. the man wears a leather jacket
b.      The man was tall and thin   d. the man is beautician

10. Ferry         : Hi, Rio! How was your vocation in Bali Last week ?
Rio            : Cool ! It was fantanstic
Ferry         : …………………………..
a.      Pity You                                             c. Nice to meet you
b.      You must have had a great  time    d. Poor me

11. Mala`        : My lovely sister has just passed away
Bayu         : …………………………..
a.      I’m afraid I can’t help you              c. I’m sory to heard  that
b.      I feel bad                                            d. she is such as sweet moman

12. Tiara         :  Are you busy right now ?
Aria          : ………………….
a.      No I’m just trying too see what is wrong with my computer
b.      Is there anything I can do to help you ?
c.      I’m hungry right now
d.      I don’t do anything every weekend

13. Ade           : What are youand  your friends doing here?
Rizal         : ……………………
a.      We are helping a girl                       c. they are singing a song
b.      We were watching television         d. they were swimming

14. Father       : taking a cab is more expensive , but it is ………………………….talking a bus
Gilang      : okay, I’m going to take a taxi, then I’m in a hurry.  Thanks for suggestion, Dad.
a.      Faster than                                         c.  fastest
b.      Faster  rather than                            d. faster to

15. Glenn       : so, did you enjoy the dinner ?
Fredly       : absolutely !it’s the ………………….. dinner I’ve ever had. The food was really great
a.      Worst                         c. Best
b.      Better                                     d. Worse

16. Ari            : look, that boy is ………………….. runner on the sprint race
Wayan      : yeah, he is the winner .isn’t he ?
a.      The fastest                             c. faster
b.      Fast                                         d. as fast as

17. Ifa             : …………………………
Police officer      : Go straight along this way, you’ll come to an intersection . The building is on the right corner of the intersection.
a.      Sir, could you help me , please ?
b.      Sir, can you tell me where the Astra International building is ?
c.      May I help you , sir ?
d.      Would you mind telling me where the exit door is ?

18. Dedi          : do you know where the nearest pharmacy is ?
Lita           : ……………………………………
a.      There is one around the corner of this block
b.      I think you’ve got the wrong addres .
c.      How should I know something like that ?
d.      I’m sorry , I can,t tell you that .

19. Customer             : I like this shirt. But it’s not my size
Shop Assistant    : Sure, wait a woment, please
a.      Can I go to the next shop ?
b.      Do you mind if I try this now?
c.      Were you able to change it ?
d.      Could you give me a larger size.Please ?

20. Dewi         : shiren, Are you busy this evening ?
Shiren       : No, Why ?
Dewi         : ……………………………..
a.      I Would like to invite you to My Party.
b.      I’m quite busy  tomorrow
c.      It’s okay
d.      Great. I’d love to.

1.      Answer these questions using  the correct preference form:
a.      Which one do you like, playing tennis or swimming ?
b.      Do you like orange juice o iced tea?
c.      Which one do you prefer, watching TV or reading a magazine.

2.      Use “would rather” to complete the sentences
A.    Do you want to go to the concert tonight.
B.     Not really. I …………………………………………………

3.      Create short dialog about direction . Direct your friend to your house. Direction should start from your school.

4.      Write down some expressions for asking and giving direction
5.      Some of expressioncan you use to accept or decline an invitation , mention it !

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