
Bahasa Inggris

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d for each number.
1. Haris  : What time should I pick you up, Mom ?
     Mom      : Pick me up at . . . .
A.  7 o'clock.
B.  eight in the afternoon
C.  this night.
D.  ten past fifteen

2.  Linda : What is the last day for the submission, sir ?
Staff      :  Friday, miss. Today is Tuesday, which means . . . .
A.  the day after today is the last day for the submission.
B.  the day after tomorrow is the last day for the submission.
C.  you have three more days until the deadline.
D. you have two more days until the deadline.

3.  Miss Ningsi : When were you born, Yuli?
     Yuli                    : In march, 1990, ma'am.
Miss Ningsi         : . . . . this year.
A. It means you'll be more mature
B. Oh. You're turning 20
C. Wow. How fast you have grown
D. It means you're going to be older

4.  Hotel attendant : . . . .
Mr. Wahyu               : I'll be staying for two nights.
A. How long would you like to stay, sir ?
B. How many rooms would you like to book, sir ?
C. Have you made a reservation yet ?
D. Do you have an appointment ?

5. Fatan  : Hurry up. We don't have much time.
    Dimas : What time is the meeting ?
    Fatan  :  . . . .
 A. I don't know for sure.
 B. It'll begin in 10 minutes.
 C. It will end soon.
 D. At 10 o'clock.

6.  Eka  :  Which one is your book ?
     Dila  :  . . . .
 A.  The blue and round one.
 B.  A big red pretty one.
 C.  The old big one.
 D.  The little black striped one.
7. Widya :  How many red shirts do you have ?
    Algis   :  . . . .
 A. I has many shirts
 B. I have lots of red ones but no blue ones.
 C. I have a dozen red shits.
 D. I don't have nothing.

8. Ira  :  When will the party be held ?
    Nanda : It'll be held . . . .
 A. On next morning.
 B. On sunday afternoon.
 C. at Tuesday 
 D. in an instant

9. Fadil  : Where does Pizza come from ? It is very delicious.
    Delfi    : It comes from . . . .

A. England
B. France
 C. the USA
 D. Italy

10. Ayul  :  Where did you go last night ? You suddenly disappeared from my party.
     Nurul :  . . . .
A. Oh, I am sorry. My mother suddenly called me.
B. Oh, i am going to my home.
C. Sorry, I am late for my dinner at home.
D. Oh, I will buy a present for my mother.

11. Mr. and Mrs. Witson . . . . to a new house last year.
 A. moving                                
 B. are moving
 C. moved
 D. have moved

12. Vino and Rizki . . . . me to their party two days ago.

A. Inviting
 B. are inviting
 C. was invited 
 D. invited

13. It . . . . so much last week.

A. rained
 B. is raining
 C. will be raining
 D. has rained

14. Fadlian :  Did you see Tiara last night ? I lost her in the reunion party.
      Widya : . . . .
 A. No, i don't see her.
 B. No, i didn't see her.
 C. No, I had not seen her.
 D. No, I am not seeing her.

15. Ardi   :  . . . .
      Rizki  :  Maybe around 50 kg.
 A. How much does he weigh ?
 B. How tall is he ?
 C. How does he weight ?
 D. How much is his weigh ?

16. Ira  : What does our new English teacher look like ?
    Fimey : . . . . She is fit to be a model
 A. She has a new car
 B. She is nice and wise
 C. She looks happy
 D. She's tall and slim.
17. Marwa  : I broke my leg.
       Nanda  : Really ? How did you do that ?
      Marwa  : . . . .
 A. I broke it when i was playing basketball.
 B. I broke it when i am playing basketball.
 C. I broke it when i have played basketball.
 D. I broke it when i have been playing basketball.

18. Woman : Somebody just took my purse ! My money, my credit cards everything's gone.
     Officer  : All right. just calm down a minute. OK. Now, what did the person look like ?
     Woman : . . . .
 A. The man is mad.
 B. The man was tall and thin
 C. The man wears a leather jacket.
 D. The man is beautician

19. Girl  :  Are you sixteen yet ?
      Boy  :  Not yet, but my birthday is in march.
      Girl  :  When in march ?
      Boy :  It's march 20 
 What do you learn from the dialog ?
 a. The girl is sixteen years old
 b. The boy is twenty years old
 c. The boy was born in march
 d. The girl's birthday is march 20

20.   Mrs. Thomas  :  I've just witnessed an accident it was a hit and run 
 Police officer  :  Can you describe the car ?
 Mrs. Thomas  :  Well . . . . i think
 A. It's green with buttons on the front
 B. It's a two storey one with air - conditioning
 C. It's a small blue japanese car with two doors
 D. It's one expensive one with a wheel at the back.

1. Make a dialog based on the situation given
- have breakfast                     - at 7 a.m
- Leave for Surabaya             - at 6 p.m

2. Write this dates as numbers.
- November the thirtieth = 
- December the second  =
- January the twenty-first =

3. Give an example to describe peoples appearances (general appearance) in one sentence !

4. Write the antonyms of the following words :
- cheerful
- Kind
- Heavy
- Smart
- Fashionable

5. Describe your self in your own words !

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