
Bahasa Inggris

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d for each number.
1. Gilbert :  ............
Tessar :  Maybe around 50 kg.
a. How much does he weigh ? c.   How does he weigh ?
b. How tall is he ? d.   How much is his weigh ?

2. Kadek :  I broke my leg
Niluh :  Really ? How did you do that ?
a. I broke it when i was playing basket ball
b. I broke it when i am  playing basket ball 
c. I broke it when i have played basket ball
d. I broke it when i have been playing basket ball

3. Della : Where did you go last night ? 
You suddenly dissappeared from my party
Nadia : ....
a. Oh, i am sorry. My mother suddenly called me
b. Oh, i am going to my home
c. Sorry, i am late for my dinner at home
d. Oh, i will buy a present for my mother

4. Woman : Somebody just took my purse. My money, my credit cards
  everything’s gone !
Officer : All right, just calm down a minutes. Ok, now
  What did the person look like ?
Woman : ....
a. The man is mad
b. The man was tall and thin
c. The man wears a leather jacket
d. The man is beautician

5. Rio and Fery .... me to their party two days ago.
a. Inviting c.   Was inveted
b. Are inviting d.   Invited

Questions 6 – 10 are based on the text below
Good evening, our speaker tonight is Dr. Jamie Raditya, professor of chemistry at International University. Dr. Raditya is naturalist by hobby, and will speak to us about his recent hiking trip in the Kalimantan rain forest where he went in search of wild orchids and other exotic flowers. Following the talk, Dr. Raditya will answer your questions. If you haven’t got any questions yet, please enjoy his wonderful photographs of his trip on display in the lobby.  
6. Who is Dr. Raditya ?
a. A backpacker c.   A photographer
b. A professor of chemistry d.   A journalist

7. Why did  Dr. Raditya go to Kalimantan rain forest ?
a. Visiting his family
b. Doing some research
c. Searching wild orchids and other exotic flowers
d. Exploring the life of the Kalimantan people

8. What will Dr. Raditya do after the talk ?
a. He will show his photographs c.   He will take photographs
b. He will answer questions from the audiences d.   He will go to the lobby

9. ” Dr. Raditya is a naturalist by hobby, .... ”
What does the synonym of the underlined word ?
a. Biologist c.   Expert
b. Scientist d.   Socialist 

10. ” ..., please enjoy his wonderful photographs .... ”
What does the antonym of the underlined word ?
a. Beautiful c.   Amazing
b. Poor d.   Strange

11. Sherin : I lost my purse at the airport yesterday
Widya : ....
a. I am sorry to hear that c.   Cool
b. Wow, fantastic d.   Pardon me ?

12. Aldi : Hi Bimo ! How was your vocation in Bali last week ?
Bimo : Cool, it was fantastic
Aldi : ....
a. Pity you c.   Nice to meet you
b. Yoy must have had a great time d.   Poor me  

13. Teacher : Why are you sleeping in the class, Bobby ?
Bobby : I’m sorry ma’am. I couldn’t sleep last night.
Teacher : What happened ?
Bobby : I had a fever, ma’am.
Teacher : ....
a. I’m glad to hear that c.   That’s too bad
b. Fantastic d.   You must have had a good time

14. I rarely go to the cinema. I am not .... in watching movies.
a. Interested c.   Exhausting
b. Boring d.   Bored

15. Wayan : Could you help me solve this math problem ?
Naldi : .... you should do it by your self.
a. I’am afraid i can’t                                                      
b. How terrible
c. That’s awesome
d. Pity me

16. Mrs. Handoko : How come you made a lot of mistakes in this report ?
  You are supposed to be a master in solving this kind of problems.
Joni : .... I should’ ve done it more carefully.
a. That’s my pleasure, ma’am c.   That must be tiring
b. Nice, isn’t it ? d.   I’m terribly sorry ma’am

17. Sita : My lovely siter has just passed away
Bayu : ....
a. I’m afraid i can’t help you c.   I’m sorry to heard that
b. I feel bad d.   She is such a sweet woman

18. Receptionist : Good morning
Covest : Good morning, can i speak to Mr. Joko ?
Receptionist : ....
a. I’m sorry to hear that c.   Sure. who’s speaking ?
b. That’s my pleasure d.   Sorry I’m still using it

19. Rafli : Why are you interested in Biology Widya ?
Widya : ....
a. Because it is fascinated c.   Because it is killing
b. Because it is interested me d.   Because it is interesting

20. Rani : It is very hot in here. I hate the weather today
Bony : ....
a. Yes, the weather is depressed c.   Hmm .... it was exhausted
b. Yeah, it is depressing d.   Indeed, it is boring
Read the situations, then write that what you would say. ( use some expression of regret, apology, permission, request and offer ) 
1. You want to borrow your friend’s camera . What would you say to him/her ?
2. You are sitting on a bus. An old woman is standing near you. What would you say to the old woman ?
3. You want to leave school early because you are ill. What would you say to your teacher ?
4. Write a description about your siter/brother ?

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